Kateřina Dušková


Environment includes plants, animals, air, water, our civilization etc. We could say that is everything what is around us. Environment is influenced by processes in nature, but mainly by activity of people. Natural disasters In our country we can notice quite often the floods. Floods are generally caused by long heavy rains or when a […]

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English language

Our ability to speak is something what makes us different from animals. We use languages for communicating fact, ideas, for telling stories, poems, for asking questions or explaining things. We can also use a body-language and mimics. We don’t know when and how did the first languages come into existence. About 6,000 years ago in southern […]

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System of education in the UK

Education is equal in England and Wales. There are some education differences in Scotland and Northern Ireland. Shool is compulsory for children and young people between the ages 5 and 16. Some of them receive nursery education. The great majority of parents send their children to state schools, where education and equipment are completely free. Other children […]

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School attendance is compulsory from the age of 6 till 15. Schools are mainly state schools but there are also some private and church schools. Attendance at state schools is free of charge, and provides the same kind of education with the possibility of enrolling at universities. Handicapped children are educated separately. School fees in private schools […]

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Cultural life in our town

Cinema – Theatre – Dancing – Radio and TV – Literature Cultural life in our town is not so rich as in large cities. In spite of that, there are some ways of spending leisure time. We can go to the cinema, to the theatre, dancing, or we can stay at home and listen to the radio, watch television […]

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Cross-Cultural Eduacation

The Jewish education Another name used for the people is Children of Israel or Israelites, which refers to the fact that the people are descendants of Jacob, who was also called Israel. It is important to note that being a Jew has nothing to do with what you believe or what you do. A person born […]

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Clothes and fashion

People have different attitudes to fashion. Some are indifferent, they do not care what they wear, others, especially women, are very choosy and particular about what to wear and like to spend a lot of money on clothes. Different factors which have influenced the styles of clothing, such as geography, climate, poverty and wealth have […]

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Geography: Canada occupies the whole of the northern part of North America (except Alaska) and many islands Baffin Island, Newfoundland, Vancouver, Prince Edward Island etc.). Canada is the second largest country in the world – its area is about 10 mil. sq. km. It neighbours with the USA – with Alaska and with the continental states and the […]

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British way of life

Foreigners believe that the British are the politest race on earth. They to apologize almost for everything. The start nearly every sentence with one of two phrases : „I’m so sorry“ or „Excuse me please“ . They do not shake hands, except when being introduced. It is becoming more common for people to kiss friends on […]

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What is a bank? A bank is an organization, usually a corporation, that accepts deposits, makes (grants) loans, issues credit and debit cards, pays, cheques, and performs some other services. How does a bank act? A bank acts as an intermediary between suppliers of funds (depositors) and users of funds (borrowers). Why did bank come into existence? […]

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