Travelling 2

– travelling is a part of life of each of us and could be also a hobby – people want to see new places, interesting people, the most beautiful buildings in the world – many people like visiting castles, chateaux, palaces, fortresses, ruins, rotundas, churches, cathedrals, temples – some people travel on bussines, political or […]

– travelling is a part of life of each of us and could be also a hobby

– people want to see new places, interesting people, the most beautiful buildings in the world – many people like visiting castles, chateaux, palaces, fortresses, ruins, rotundas, churches, cathedrals, temples

– some people travel on bussines, political or culture reasons or only for recreation, fun and adventure



– smugling, dangerous – we can meet bad people, we can get lost, money can be stolen, travelling spoils the nature – environmentaly unfriendly, time consuming, disease – insurance



by bus – quite fast, cheap, crowded, dirty, uncomfortable, no privacy

by train – fast, cheap, more comfortable, more privacy, sleeping and dining cars, toilettes, less dangerous than a bus

by plane – for a long way, comfortable, expensive, food including, less dangerous, very fast

by bike – cheap, healthy, good for environment, stop where you want, slow, very dangerous

on foot – the cheapest kinds of travelling, healthy, keeps you fit, for short distances

 by boat – only at the places where is the water, slow, noisy, not so dangerous

by car – dangerous, fast

hitchhiking – very cheap, could be fast or slow



– main hall, ticket office, inquires office, booking off, waiting room, left luggage off, luggage locker, restaurant, phone box, rest room, time table, arrivals, departures, passenger transport, public transport, airship, station lobby, delay, check



– air company, air terminal, check in, the exit gate, take off



a. with travel agency package holiday – everything is done for you, you need only money, the travel agency cares about everything – accommodation, bookig, tickets, special program

b. own holiday – you have to care about everything, you have to book the place, you have to own insurance, but you are independent



– valid passport, visa, change the money, phone number for embassy, health insurance,  accident and bagagge insurance




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