The United States of America

– is located in the norhern part of North America – is surrounded by Canada in the north and Mexico in the south – washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the east and by the Pacific Ocean in the west – divided into 50 states – 48 continental states – Hawai is situated in the […]

– is located in the norhern part of North America

– is surrounded by Canada in the north and Mexico in the south

– washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the east and by the Pacific Ocean in the west

divided into 50 states – 48 continental states – Hawai is situated in the Pacific Ocean and Alaska is separated by Canada

– the largest state is Alaska

– official language – english and spanish

– capital – Washington DC

– the 3rd largest area

– population is 327 milion people

– it’s federation of 50 states, republic with prezident who is elected every 4 years by people in November

president Joe Biden – a member of the Democratic Party

– national athem – Star Spangled Banner

– congres od 2 chambers – house of representativs (600) – lower chamber. The senate – upper chamber



– the west is mainly mountainous, the central part and the east are mainly flat

– the largest mountain range: the Rocky Mountains (runs from north to south);

– the longest river – the Mississipi, others – the Ohio, the Misouri, the Rio Grande, the Yukon

– the great lakes – Superior, Huron, Ontario, Erie, Michigan

– mountains – mount MC Kinley (Denali – 6 000 high), mt Whitney

– national parks – Yellowstone, Sequoia, Yosemite

– there are big variations of climate – change from arctic cold in Alaska, to subtropical warmth in Hawai

Niagara falls



1492 Christopher Columbus discovered America, he arrived in Puerto Rico, but he didn’t settle it

1607 1st colony founded at JamesTown

1620 the Pilgrims were puritans – held strict religious based on the Bible, new wave of settlers, their ship was called the Mayflower

1775-1781 the War of independence = American revolutionary war, British surrended

1776 Decleration of independence – important document explained why the colonies wanted to be separeted from Britain – 4th July – Independence day

1783 Britan recognized the independence of american colonies

19th century – American civil war – tension between the north and the south grew into war

Abraham Lincoln – the most important person in the north – the Emancipation proclamation = the document which made slaves in the South free

20th century – the USA took part in the WW I and WW II

– after the war there was a period of prosperity (nicknamed the Jazz Age, the Roaring Twenties) – it ended with Black Thursday (October 24th, 1929, the start of the stock market crash) marking the beginning of the Great Depression (lasted till the end of 1930s) = the period of serious problems in economy and society)

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